
Eyes Healing in My Acupuncture clinic

               www.myacupuncture.org              Binbin Zhang

There are more than 5000 years for people use Acupuncture and Chinese medicine to treat eyes diseases in China.

Acupuncture treats patients through energy pathways called meridians in the body. The practice aims to restore the body's normal balance and flow of energy, so that organs and systems can work together in harmony to repair the body and maintain health.

In Australia, people turn to acupuncture and other holistic remedies to treat numerous conditions such as allergies, migraines, digestive problems and more, but what about the eyes? When people are faced with an eye condition like myopia or dry eyes, a holistic treatment probably isn't the first thing that comes to mind.

For many who suffer from these degenerative eye conditions, acupuncture and Oriental medicine may be the last and only hope. Conventional medicine has little to offer people suffering with conditions such as macular degeneration, glaucoma, and retinitis pigmentosa.

Acupuncture can offer so much and it is our duty as active practitioners to educate the public about the benefits. The more people know, the more people we can help.

Putting drugs in, and/or taking organs out is just not acceptable mainstream therapy anymore. People want more, and they deserve better. Through acupuncture and natural healing "cure" can be achieved without drugs, without surgery.

In My Acupuncture clinic, Binbin uses acupuncture and Chinese medicine to help people improve their vision. Your vision is our mission.

Our eyes healing treatments include:

Myopia 近视

Amblyopic 弱视

Dry Eyes  干眼症

Asthenopia (eyes fatigue) 视疲劳

Optic Neuritis  视神经炎

Diabetic Retinopathy  糖尿病视网膜病变

Optic Nerve Atrophy  视神经萎缩

Macular Degeneration    黄斑病变

Glaucoma     青光眼

  Potsis     上睑下垂

Chinese Herbal Medicine

Unlike western medications, Chinese herbs are selected to address both acute symptoms and the patient’s underlying condition, and are free from unwanted side effects.

